
What is the absolute location of Dahlonega, GA?

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What is the absolute location of Dahlonega, GA?




  1. Absolute Location:

    34° 31′ 50″N and  83° 59′ 05″W  

  2. That coordinate number above may be correct in an numeric way, but the location itself is not fully correct unless you also declare what your coordinate reference system is. Today many assume that a pair of Lat Long coordinates are usually collected in the WGS 1984 coordinate reference. With that information you have a more complete location. If that assumption is wrong and the coordinates have a different coordinate reference system they may be off quite a bit from each other.

    Does any of this make some numbers an absolute location? Probably not. Even the most accurate of coordinate systems make assumptions which approximate the location. This is why it is important to use the coordinate reference systems so that we compare apples to apples.

    I know I've used this to get on my soap box, but so be it: cite coordinate reference systems people!. Wikipedia and its sources perpetuate this omission. At least a citation for an assumed coordinate system is in order.

  3. 34.52329N    83.98854W  according to my probably out-of-date mapping system.

    Ckeck out Wikipedia link below for better info.

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