
What is the absolute messiest food you have ever eaten?

by Guest60784  |  earlier

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***Keep it clean people!***

Eating chicken wings gets my vote, looks like you performed surgery afterwords!




  1. Sloppy Joe for reallzzz

  2. i always get a bit messy with a meatball marinara sub from subway haha

  3. We eat chicken wings, chicken feet all the time; not a problem, certainly not messy at all.

    Crunching crabs with pincers, teeth is messy especially when prepared in the various Chinese style (crab cooked in different kind of sauces; steamed).

    And if you think that's messy, watch how Indians, Malay people eat their meals using their fingers of their right hand only (they never use their left to eat because its reserved for cleaning their botties after they've done it).

    Imagine using your thumb and fingers mixing and moving around their curried rice; tearing chicken/beef/goat meat to shove mouthfuls into their mouths - messy!

  4. Whole lobsters get my vote as the hands-down messiest food that's worth eating.  By the time we've finished cracking claws, digging the meat out of the little crevices in the body, the whole table is splattered with lobster juice, bits of shell and melted butter.  YUM!!  At least I've learned to clear the table, put out a thick washable tablecloth and wear a short sleeved top!  


  5. I think corn on the cob has the biggest clean up factor because of all the dental attention required afterwards.

  6. BBQ ribs

    hot wings

    mu shu pork (Chinese burrito) is the way i would describe it.

    watermelon at a BBQ can be messy

  7. l would have to say chicken wings with all that bbq sauce. lts so messy

  8. whole (i mean the whole rib cage /no baby back -wimpy stuff ) beef ribs ,BBQ of course, where you need both hands for a single rib !!!!  ( TEXAS STYLE ) w/extra sauce of course........... mmmmmmmmmm hungry !!!!!

  9. poi

  10. roast beef sandwich with extra gravy, gooey american cheese, and chipotle ranch dressing from Wawa. Sounds gross but don't judge til you have tried it ;)

    ps. Thanks for making me hungry.

  11. Chicken wings..

    Crab legs..

  12. It's definitely Chinese style crab legs, but at the same time it's delicious!

  13. Crab legs. They are hardly worth the mess.

  14. Chicken wings are pretty messy, but I think king prawns are a nightmare. Pulling the head off and de-shelling ain't a pretty sight, but they taste so good all the same.

  15. nachos

  16. What about when you eat Lobster, it splashes all over(whole Lobster).

  17. I'd say that BBQ ribs its one of the messiest also a popsicle is messy to because it melts all over your hand

  18. babys

  19. Either a Sloppy Joe or buttered corn on the cob. Crab is a mess too

  20. a Mexican sandwich called  torta

  21. It was a cheeseburger made in the Cook Islands.  They make them with a huge very juicy hamburger patty, melting cheese, lettuce, a fat slice of tomato, a fried egg, and a slice of pickled beet, with mayonnaise.  When you pick it up (both hands needed) and take a bite, the juices just roll down your arms!  Very good and very very messy!

  22. There is a sushi place near me called Saburos.  If you are willing to put up with the abusive service and the hours long wait you will get sushi rolls so big that the biggest challenge is not looking foolish eating them.

  23. Crawfish...all the seasonings get all over your hands and to actually look at the stuff when you eat it can gross you out if you stare at it long enough. After you finish eating them it looks like you murdered someone!!!

    The juice runs down your arms, and gets all over your clothes if you don't wear a big bib.

    I only eat the tails b/c I just can't see sucking out the head on the things!!!!EWWWWW! Talk about a Silence of the Lambs moment!

  24. taco with hard shells!!!!!!! all the fillings don't stay inside the shell. and if you squeeze the shell too hard, it breaks...and then you have to use your fingers to pick up the filling.

  25. 1) multi-layers hamburger ... mushroom, cheese, lettuce, onion, tomato, pickle, ...

    2) deep fried Vietnamese spring roll wrapped with lettuce + mint leaves + dipping sauce

    3) Curry crab / prawns (with shells)

    4) deep fried or stir fried seafood with shells

    5) BBQ spare ribs

  26. Sloppy Joes

  27. Buffalo wings.

  28. Tacos.....and I love them !!!!

  29. Fruits from tree.

  30. Crab legs. I usually manage to fling shells and meat all over me and my husband. Although runner up would have to be corn on the cob.

  31. The Carls Jr. guacamole burger is pretty messy. Because it's so good you want to eat it fast and the goo squeezes out and the sandwich is so big you cant take a bite out of the whole sandwich but only part of it. Not only that but the lettuce and tomatoes fall out too. It's gooey good.

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