
What is the absolute worst you have ever felt?

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What is the most painfull(physical or emotional) experience you have lived through?




  1. going over the top of a toyota

  2. The absolute worst I felt was when I thought I

    would not be at the top of my class after I had just walked out of the examination hall.The pain I felt at that moment was not only physical but psychological too.It left me a wreck till the results were published.

  3. when i got my fingers into a cruise line door for 10 minutes and they didnt come of

  4. my most worst thing is when i expected too much from someone, but was left disappointed...

    that's why i don't expect much from anyone anymore...

    all you could do i guess is hope for the best!


  5. Rejection always brings me down. It just depends on the form and the person who causes it. It'll either be an annoying pinprick or something earth shattering.

    Recently, I suffered rejection from someone and it required some major life assessing since I had spent so much time on him. I think the situations that totally kill your direction in life are the ones that hurt the most, that and death of course (but death being a given). You just sit around moping away because you can't bring yourself to pick yourself up off the ground and stand on your own two feet. Essentially, you're lost and you have some major thinking to do, all the while trying to get over the pain.

  6. Falling off around a 40 or 45 foot tree, while hiting branches on my way down.

  7. Just last week the table saw took my right hand right through the blade. That hurt, the shots, Local Anasthesia hurt the worst!

  8. So far as I can remember; it was when my own mother back-stabbed me.  Betrayal hurts enough, but when it is your birth mother...I'd much rather get another wisdom tooth pulled.

  9. when im bored

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