
What is the absolute youngest age a child can be put into asissted living?

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I have a little sister who is an extreme special needs child that's been abused in ways too horrible to mention and has no conscience at all between right and wrong. She's thirteen and often goes into random bits of trauma, reverting back to the terrible twos stage at random points of time. My parents can't afford the services needed to keep her at home. She's actually gotten to the point that's she's literally been tearing my family apart and often reverts away from her own mental and emotional age levels from one extreme to another. She's left my family at wit's end and I feel totally helpless about doing anything to stop her from hurting herself and others.




  1. You're not helpless.  You're doing exactly what you can do by finding info for your family.  Everyone has given good advice so far.  Your pediatrician or other health-care provider or insurance provider can also be of great assistance to your family.  You could even ask for support groups for the rest of your family dealing with this.  Good luck to you all.

  2. An answer to your important question.

    Please call with any problem, anytime:

    Girls and Boys Town "National Hotline"

    Phone: 1-800-448-3000  (toll free)


  3. First of all, if she's been abused, you must report the abuse if you haven't done so yet. I truly hope it's not your parents that is abusing her. Second, she should be able to receive free services through the state. I'm sure she's receiving SSI, that money can also be used for therapy/special ed classes.

    Check out the Regional Center in your area, they are great resource for families with special needs children. The following is from San Diego Regional Center. I'm sure that your county has one similar to this one.

    FY'I: Who is Eligible? Over Age 3

    Developmental Disability means a disability that is attributable to mental retardation, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, other conditions similar to mental retardation that require treatment similar to that required by individuals with mental retardation.

    The Developmental Disability must

    (1) Originate before age eighteen;

    (2) Be likely to continue indefinitely;

    (3) Constitute a substantial handicap for the individual

    “Substantial handicap” means a condition which results in major impairment of cognitive and/or social functioning. Moreover, a substantial handicap represents a condition of sufficient impairment to require interdisciplinary planning and coordination of special or generic services to assist the individual in achieving maximum potential.

    (b) Since an individual's cognitive and/or social functioning are many-faceted, the existence of a major impairment shall be determined through an assessment which shall address aspects of functioning including, but not limited to:

    (1) Communication skills;

    (2) Learning;

    (3) Self-care;

    (4) Mobility;

    (5) Self-direction;

    (6) Capacity for independent living;

    (7) Economic self-sufficiency.

  4. Your parents should be in contact with your local Department of Health Services... or whatever it's called in your state. Any counselor would know the agencies name.

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