
What is the acceptance of homosexuality in Europe?

by Guest33691  |  earlier

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Is it more accepted in Europe than America?




  1. OMG Europe is crazy place. They there even have every summer festival in German when thousands and thousands g*y and non g*y gather together partying dancing celebrating some kind of "g*y day". It's really pretty. Netherlands one of the first country that accept g*y marriages (and marijuana). Soon all countries in Europe will allow g*y marry each others.

  2. Depends.  Western and Northern Europe are VERY tolerant...especially northern...

    Southern and Eastern are much less tolerant.  But they are going through reforms....slowly...  

    I would say overall it is more accepting by far over there than here in America.  

  3. Try living in Wales! The puritanical protestant regime still reigns.

  4. As stated most of northern Europe is tolerant. Here in the Netherlands it's considered almost passé. No one bats an eyelid. But everywhere (even here) there is intolerance, it just various in intensity.

  5. Depends on the country.

    Northern Europe is generally more tolerant.

    Southern and Eastern Europe is generally more intolerant.

    But in the US it's the same - the coasts are more tolerant than the midwest & south.

  6. hopefully better than the usa

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