
What is the accepted number of times one should chew each mouthful of food?

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What is the accepted number of times one should chew each mouthful of food?




  1. 6-8 times depending on what you're eating.

  2. about 6, depends what kind of food

  3. Obsessive compulsive disorder??

  4. When you are comfortable you can swallow it without danger of choking... what kind of a question is this?

  5. No fixed time. Chew until the food is about totally mashed.

  6. There is no 'accepted' number of times.  We're all different and we eat different things.  You might have to chew a piece of steak 15 times before you feel like swallowing it but with a mouthful of pasta, you could be looking at 4 or 5.

    Nutritionalists will recommend chewing times if you seach the internet for info about that but they'll no doubt be as varied as the food we eat.

  7. i heard it was like 33 to do it properly and stop urself from over eating

  8. My husband chews until the food is liquid, and the number of chews required depends on the food.

    I chew until the food can be swallowed, which also depends on what kind of food it is.  

  9. Conventional wisdom dictates 25 times, but no one does that, ten would be good though. It really is important to chew thoroughly before you swallow. Good reminder.

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