
What is the actual distance of each planet from the sun

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What is the actual distance of each planet from the sun




  1. it is not a constant distance they are in ususlly elliptical orbits and lots of things can and do change the distances


    this is exactly what you want.

  3. What do you mean by actual, just look it up on  

  4. If you are American, you'd probably prefer the units to be in miles:

    Mercury: 36 million miles

    Venus: 67.2 million miles

    Earth: 93 million miles

    Mars: 141.6 million miles

    Jupiter: 483.6 million miles

    Saturn: 886.7 million miles

    Uranus: 1,784.0 million miles

    Neptune: 2,794.4 million miles

    If you are anything other than American, you'd probably prefer it in kilometers:

    Mercury: 57.9 million km

    Venus: 108.2 million km

    Earth: 149.6 million km

    Mars: 227.9 million km

    Jupiter: 778.3 million km

    Saturn: 1,427.0 million km

    Uranus: 2,871.0 million km

    Neptune: 4,497.1 million km

  5. It varies, since all the planets have an elliptical orbit. There is an average, and I'm sure you can Google it.

  6. every planet is different.....look it up!  No one is going to help you!

  7. alternatively,

    mercury --- 3 1/8 light minutes.

    venus ------ 5 3/4 light minutes

    earth ------- 8 light minutes

    mars ------ 12 light minutes

    jupiter ----- 42 light minutes

    saturn -----  1 hour 16 light minutes

    uranus -----  2 hours, 34 light minutes

    neptune ----  4 light hours.

  8. You couldn't Google that?

  9. Well, my model shows them starting at about 2 inches and going all the way out to about 20 inches.

  10. Well it depends on what planet ur at. But mostly measuring the distance in a solar system you would use an AU (astronomical unit) or if you were measuring the whole universe you would use light years.

    I hope this helps if ur looking for more pacific answers just message me.


  12. they all slightly vary, due to the fact that their orbits are not quite "perfect" circles, but slightly elliptical.  but on average...

    in AU:

    mercury= 0.39

    venus =  0.72

    earth = 1.00

    mars = 1.52

    jupiter = 5.20

    saturn = 9.54

    uranus = 19.18

    neptune = 30.06

    if, for some odd reason, you wish to get these answers in miles, just multiply by 93 million.  

    but it is very rare for these to be "actual" at any given point in time, since these are approximations and averages.

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