
What is the actual issue with illegal immigration?

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I do not understand what the actual problem is. If you want whatever preceived freedoms of this country then go about it legally. If the issue is something else let me know. It shouldn't be that hard.




  1. PURE RACISM. There are millions of ILLEGAL EUROPEANS here and you dont hear a darn thing about it. All you hear about is mexicans. White people can be racist scum sometimes.

  2. There are as many white people and black people or people of any other race stealing Identities deliberately. Most mexicans do not know that using a social security number that they made up could be someone else's and that it would affect that person. Why don't you think about that!? I don't know if you have ever had to scrape everycent you have had to give your children food, but the poverty level in mexico is very high instead of turning to the narks to help them survive they would rather risk their lives to come over here and find a quick solution to help feed and clothe their children. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I know that some of their actions are depleting the economy and I wish the government would find a way to have them pay for the resources used as well as their taxes. But if you didn't know some of them do pay their taxes with a ITIN provided by the IRS.

  3. The people who want to be in this country but don't want to do it legally are just pure lazy. They don't want to go through all the red tape, so they sneak in. Now they expect us to feel sorry for them because they had it so rough in Mexico or wherever they came from. I refuse to feel sorry for anyone who breaks our laws and complains about it later. The problems they have are exactly what they deserve.

  4. The problem is that some people don't like to see different people on their neighborhoods, and when they say the "do it legally" or the "get in line as the rest"  FYI the immigrants from Europe didn't apply for a visa or a green card they just came here the same way as the mexicans today , they did it with out an invitation.

  5. Wake up!

    Come to Los Angeles (Mexifornia) for an assesment of its impact

  6. The problem is purely economics. Illegals come to our country for what they perceive is the American dream, Of course what Americans perceive is the American dream is totally the opposite!

    They work for less than a poverty wage which is better than  what their home countries have to offer but that has a negative impact on us! Plain and simple they drive wages down!

    Ask Carpenters, Meat packing employees, custodial and agricultural (especially out west)

    They also are straining our Social services (hospitals,schools law enforcement) beyond repair. Many of our schools and hospitals are closing and those that haven't are over capacity. Law enforcement is constantly having to deal with the problem of crime,vagrancy,Public urination and so on.

    Bottom line is that America needs to help Americans first before taking on other countries economic woes otherwise eventually we will be in the same economic situation they are in before too long.

    Our country is heading into its next depression and illegal immigration is the straw that's going to break the camels back!

  7. Try saying that if you are making $5 a day and would have to pay thousands of dollars AND wait for 10 years.

  8. The problem is they break our laws, steal our jobs, steal our identities, steal social benefits, participate in illegal activites.

    Need any more reasons why it is bad?

  9. its pretty much hatred from both sides  they don't even know what race their insulting, its either the white Mexicans or the reds, maybe the black Mexicans,

  10. The problem is that there are 30 million Scofflaws and counting and our Judicial system isn't doing a thing about it.

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