
What is the actual truth that lies behind the heart and the brain ?

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It is said according to scientific that brain is more important than heart , it is true and i believe it.However, according to feelings that are born from the heart and knowledge which we gain from the brain does not quite make sense after from what that had been told from my friend.My friend said that both feeling and logic sense came from the brain.Heart is just a type of organ that consist only blood cells that carries out oxygen while brain contain brain cells that can make us think and feel.




  1. Since it's impossible to survive without both the brain and heart, it is hard to put an importance level on the organs themselves.

    Previous cultures believed our feelings/emotions came from our hearts, even our stomachs.

    If a person survives a heart attack (death of part of the heart muscle) their personality will not change severely as in the case of brain injury.

    Even a mild brain injury can cause severe personality changes and significant changes in the survivor's life.

    After damage to the heart, the change is primarily health-related, not thought related.  

  2. At a physical level, the heart and the brain are more important than the other organs.  The body of someone on a starvation diet will shut down the organs one by one, but the brain and the heart continue to receive the best nourishment the body can provide.

    At an intellectual level, the heart represents impulse, so someone who let's their heart rule their head may make poor decisions.

    At an emotional level, the heart represents your attitude.  Your attitude in life can make a huge difference to stress, success, relationships and many other areas.  Your mind in this case influences and guides your heart attitude.

    At a spiritual level, the heart represents your subconscious.  Your mind is the gateway to your subconscious, what you choose with your mind to see, hear, read and experience affects your heart.  Your heart (or subconscious) affects your entire life in ways you don't even notice or realise.

    "Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life."  Proverbs 4:23 (NLV)

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