
What is the address of the Prouty Mansion in Spencer MA?

by Guest375  |  earlier

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  1.  There is currently no Prouty Mansion that stands anywhere in Spencer. There was one located at 27 High Street, identical to the Hammond Mansion, that burned down in the 1900's. The other was located on Cherry Street and was torn down in the 60's and was home to my grandfather. He and his siblings were the last generation of Prouty's to occupy it. A lot of people now think that the one on Cherry Street is still there, but that building was, in fact, the stables and servants' quarters and has been converted into condos. Maria's death did NOT occur in the Cherry street mansion, despite popular speculation to the contrary.

  2. ummm actually that all really happened and Maria died!! its all true!! My friend and I want to now live there as it is for rent... her bf's grandfather now lives in the one on cherry street!! he will nvr give it up nd wen he dies him nd maria will remain there..! it is haunted as well!

  3. Yes I grew up in the High Street Hammond mansion - its twin was the other Prouty mansion and it burned down in the early 1900's....I can without a doubt confirm that the Hammond mansion was haunted.  I always wondered after reading "Sinister Halo" if maybe the events that took place (the suicide etc) in the burned down Prouty mansion tied to the Hammond mansion as the two familes were tied AND the houses were built identical room to room by my understanding.  Was always whispered rumors of an underground tunnel between the two as welll.  Though we looked as children we never found it.

  4. If by incorrect you meant my original answer that there were two Prouty Mansions...I am correct and probably know you :)  Yes Maria Prouty resided at and died at the mansin on Cherry Street, but that wasn't the question.  A ton of twists and turns indeed but there was a murder and/or suicide at the High Street sight as well but it was the Hammond son I believe ~ if the reports from the article "Sinister Halo" found at the Spencer Library are accurate.

  5. You are incorrect. Maria Prouty was murdered on 20 Ash Street. I also grew up there, and still live there. Also, my grandparents were the neighbors. There are more twists and turns in this story so it is easy to be mistaken. The Ash Street house is where the murder weapon was found in the wall.

  6. There was the large Prouty mansion on Cherry street where the murder was committed, that was torn down in the 60's.

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