
What is the advantage and Disadvantage of Agriculture?

by Guest65596  |  earlier

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What is the advantage and Disadvantage of Agriculture?




  1. Hi Benjamin,


    Note that there are only ADVANTAGES in agriculture.  Which is the the Oldest Profession known to the man kind.  With out agriculture u dont have anything to consume and to survive.  

    There are people who are making it disadvantageous to the mother earth by adopting the systems against the nature.  

    So, my dear please note that there is  'Advantage'  only by Agriculdture.  No other stuff.

    Good Luck

    Agri Consultant

  2. Adv.: Bigger population, ability to have a surplus of food allowing wonderful things like art and literature and science

    Disadv.: Bigger population, surplus leading to inequality and exploitation, serfdom, slavery, diseases due to eating a restricted diet, death and disease due to famine, diseases due to keeping domestic animals, and in fact almost all the bad things that have happened to human kind in its history.

  3. Advantage: Food

    Disadvantages: Groundwater pollution (fertilizers, manure, etc), clears large areas of land of vegetation (trees, etc), may contribute to flooding by not providing any rainfall interception

    I don't know about biofuel. I personally think biofuel doesn't work. It might contribute less to harming our environment (well, not really considering you'd still use conventional gasoline to transport the goods around the country), but then again think of all the farmers wanting to capitalize on this... and also, don't you think more trees would help better than any sort of biofuel?

  4. the agriculture helps in growing food for the growing population which is a boon for the people but it hinders the growth of industries which is an disadvantage

  5. It is important to make sure that the farmers enjoy farming.  Quit sticking them with stupid rules and regs.  Many countries subsidize and give tax breaks and help their farmers.  Especially those countries that have experienced FAMINES.  If the USA keeps on jabbing the farmers, limiting their water, bashing them with imagined fantasies from the minds of people  who have never gone hungry, we WILL see food shortages, contaminated or poisoned imported food, or?  A common bumper sticker on farmers pickups is ' Hungry? eat an environmentalist'.  Every one should go work on a farm.  Get dirty, greasy, mauled by livestock, and watch nature mess with your food production.

  6. the advantage is agriculture back bone of life

  7. First off with out it we would die.  But ag is what keeps the country going and not relying on other countries.

  8. ADVANTAGES-provides us food without which you cannot live.

    DISADVANTAGES-pays least revenue to the government.

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