
What is the advantage in having the energy source arranged in parallel/series?

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What is the advantage in having the energy source arranged in parallel/series?




  1. Because, if one element fails either 'open circuit' or 'short circuit', the system voltage will remain approximately the same, and the ability to source current will only diminish as the single failed parallel leg of the system can supply.

    If all elements were in series, and 'open circuit' failure of a single element would result in failure of the whole system.

    If all elements were in parallel, a 'short circuit' failure of a single element would result in failure of the whole system.

    By arranging in a series parallel combination, single failures f individual sources do not cause the whole system to fail.

    The other reason to arrange them in series/parallel is to obtain a specific (higher) voltage for a group of individual sources.  Example: a single silicon solar cell is only rated for about 1.2 volts, but if the system requires 12 volts, then 10 cells must be wired in series.  Several strings of 12 cells should be wired in parallel to increase current and reliability.


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