
What is the advantage of a Blu-Ray dvd player?

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Sony Blu-Ray DVD Player - BDPS300





  1. Blu-Ray and HD-DVD provide better quality pictures than regular DVD. You need to watch side-by-side with good movies to tell the difference (who needs "Meet the Fokkers" in Hi-Def?).

    Blu-Ray seems to be winning because in the last few days, Warner, the company with a huge backlog of old movies, decided to release any future discs only in Blu-Ray not HD-DVD. (And in regular DVD, too...) So they have more of the good titles from more studios released on BR than HD.

    BR also fits more data on a disc (Up to 50Gb, vs 30 for HD). Thisdoesn't affect the picture quality (1080p in both cases) but does permit bigger and fancier selections of extras - if the disc happens to have them.

    However, most BR players are still running V1.0 of the specification. The newest spec (V1.3?) allows internet connect games, extras, but nobody sells one yet. So you won't get the full functionality off any player you buy today, you'll need to buy a better one in a year or two.

  2. It has amazing picture quality and great color. Unless you are into action movies or movies with a lot of detail I wouldn't suggest a Blu-Ray player. They are extremely expensive and so are the blu-ray discs.

  3. Advantage relative to what? HD DVD and Blu-ray give identical picture and audio quality and both are better than normal DVD. On the other hand they cost more too. Blu-ray is probably preferable to HD DVD (even though it is much more expensive) because there is a wider range of movies ... and HD DVD may disappear in the next year or so. That said, an HD DVD player makes an excellent inexpensive upconverting DVD player (and will also play the soon to be on sale HD DVD disks).

    Re the BDPS300 .... that's a high price for an obsolete player.

    This is the model Sony introduced 2 weeks before implementation of the Profile 1.1 spec (which required any player introduced after Oct 31, 2007 to be compliant with version 1,1 of the Blu-ray spec ... i.e. Picture in Picture / secondary audio, on board storage). They didn't tell consumers it was essentially obsolete (unlike the PS3 which they knew could be updated to Profile 1.1 via firmware, the BDPS300 cannot (See link)). Another benefit of buying from Sony!!!

    It will play movies fine, but won't play any of the newer special features, and only Profile 2.0 players are guaranteed to have internet connectivity to access on-line extras, updates, etc.

    These are all features ALL HD DVD players have.

    So ... benefits over other Blu-ray players: NONE.

    The PS3 is the best bet on a features/money basis.

  4. Advantages: Better Picture...

    Better Sound..

    Just overall its a good new blue ray dvd player.. And plus..DVDS r gonna prob become obsolet in a few years lol

    u should wait for later till the price drops lol dont go buying one yet....wait till its liek 250 or so

  5. might as well buy a PS3 40 gb thats $400 you get a game system with it along with a mass storage device :D

    but better picture like no other

  6. Might as well get a PS3. you can play games too!

  7. Apparently, according to the ads, great image and sound. But, a $30 walmart DVD player connected to your stereo and ordinary TV will do fine.

  8. Better picture if you have an HD TV to go with it, with a normal TV the picture is the same.

  9. its hi definition, better quality, some people say hd-dvd players are better than blu-ray so im getting a hd-dvd/blu-ray combo for about 599 from samsung

  10. its got better picture,sound,light,and is sonys new blu-ray format which beat HD-DVD and cuased studios to leave to there blu-ray blu-ray would be better and is 9 times the picture of regular dvd. which HD-DVD has 6 times the picture.

  11. The main advantage is that the major studios seem to be backing Blu Ray.......  It has a slightly larger capacity than HD-DVD although it is more expensive and does have some downsides.

    Although for the immediate future it appears to be the future of hd movies until digital downloads overtake it.

  12. In spite of what everyone says, there is no difference in picture quality between HD-DVD and Blu-Ray. The difference is Blu-Ray is a "denser" media. In other words, more digital info can be stored in that format. So you can get more editor/director outtakes , studio propaganda and spam on the disk. I heard a show on the radio (PBS) a couple of days ago when Warner signed on to Blu-Ray. The gist was, "Don't count out HD-DVD just yet". But the consensus was universal, "Wait until the market decides before you buy". I predict that Blu-Ray will win like VHS over Beta in the tape format. Crutchfield, a major seller has gone Blu-Ray but the players cost upwards of $400. Wait until the market decides.

  13. It has way better picture, quality, and sound.

  14. Crisp picture awsome sound quality. i live cinema in your own home ( if you a big tv) discs can be quite expensive though.

  15. not sure about players but the dvd's them selves are very very clear and scratches a lot harder to put on them

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