
What is the advantage of designing the 74193 and 74194 MSI circuits to operate synchronously?

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this question is under MSI Sequential Circuits Laboratory.

Please state advantages as much as you can

and thank you soooo much in advance!




  1. Advantages:

    1. Output transients ("glitches") will be eliminated if all 4 flip-flops are clocked simultaneously (synchronously), versus being rippled.

    2. For small (4-bit) counters like the 74193 synchronous operation is usually faster than ripple operation.  In synchrounous operation the output of the LSB is loaded to the next state to all 4 bits simultaneously, so the delay is one gate (plus setup time).  In a ripple counter, the LSB change must be rippled through 3 setup times to affect the MSB.

    3. Timing calculations are easier.  Assuming all flip-flops are identical (which they are), you have 1 setup and 1 hold time to contend with.  So long as the clock speed is less than the total setup time (flip-flop plus logic delays on the inputs), the system will run.


    The input logic to a synchronous counter becomes more complex than a ripple counter.  For larger counters (i.e. 20-bits and more) the logic may become so complex that the counter may not run fast enough.  For larger counters a ripple counter is much simpler than a synchronous counter and may run faster.

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