
What is the advantage of sexual reproduction?

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guys im not joking don't say because it feels better ill give best answer to something that sounds scientifical




  1. It incorporates more elements of selection than asexual reproduction. Therefore the species should improve more rapidly.

  2. Continuing on with the race

  3. the best  thing  is  seeing  yourself  run  around

  4. so the world can go on.

  5. Gregory is right. (Half the answers don't even seem to recognise the existence of the asexual alternative). Sexual reproduction maintains genetic variability through shuffling. Variability is the only insurance against novel challenges, and since most pathogens and parasites can reproduce faster than their hosts, such novel challenges will certainly occur.

  6. Because it gives variety to the offspring and if a killer disease came round, then some offspring could be immune to it and live while the others perish. Though this can not be said for asexual reproduction, as the offspring may all not be immune to a disease which could wipe them out. Hope that helps. And yes it does feel better.

  7. Sexual reproduction is the only (practical) way to propogate any species. Without it, the species would cease to exist.

  8. Ok how is it that you are even asking this question?

    How is it that you are here in this world? - on the internet at this very moment? The answer is s*x. It is the most natural thing on the planet, the core being of the existence of our species - of most species. Every animal we eat is there because of sexual reproduction. Almost everything we love in life would not be here without people e.g computers, books, clubs, alcohol, our family, our friends, our toys, games etc ..the list is endless. Without sexual reproduction there would be no world and no people, no you and no me. If you are asking the advantage of being alive then thats a different issue. But the advantage of sexual reproduction is life itself!

    With regards to asexual reproduction-its irrevelant because we cant reproduce that way-its not possible. Sexual reproduction is the absolute only way for us to survive.

    & Sexual reproduction has more of an advantage anyway because it allows variation. It allows for offspring to have differences that can help them survive and adapt to their environment. asexual reproduction produces identical  offspring with the exact same weaknesses as the one before it.

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