
What is the advantage to having brightly-colored balls?

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What is the advantage to having brightly-colored balls?




  1. Well...

    Makes playing a game of pool a lot easier...

    (Especially when the balls are numbered...much easier that way...)

    Just use the fat end of the cue stick...

  2. I assume yours are very blue

  3. I assume you mean multi-colored volleyballs, and not brightly-colored.  

    The advantage is that you can see the direction and speed, if any, of the spin.

  4. Ones with a clear design on it - that stands out, is that you can see how much spin you are putting on the volleyball, where you can't see clearly on a plain white volleyball.

    Try adding the spin, add the extra wrist movement upon hitting the volleyball in spikes and spike serves. It is a curling over of the wrist - if you overemphasize this, you will get the pronounced spin. Just aim for the top of the net and see if it goes over?

    You can see this very clearly in doing windmill serves.

  5. it looks nice

  6. attracts fish when you are swimming.....

  7. cool buddy

  8. my girlfriend can find mine in the dark

  9. Is there an advantage? I think if anything it will help you to see it vs any of the background that you are playing with.

    Our team uses a black and white ball and it works really well to distinguish the different in the background vs the ball. Especially when the girls are only 14 they are still learning EVERYTHING!

  10. Haha 2 Points For Me!!!

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