
What is the affect of violence in media on kids and teens?

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Examples like the kids at Columbine acting out somethimng like the matrix




  1. Truly I do not believe it has an effect other than desensitization. I have done numerous reports on this and I found that all tests done on this subject have been under isolated laboratory conditions in which violence and aggression is encouraged. Desensitization happens but there is no proof that this leads to violence.


  3. I have not yet made an in depth study of this, but here is my opinion.

    First off, a steady diet of violent images tend to desensitize people to the reality of violent behavior. For example, people don't get shot in the shoulder with a high caliber bullet and just wrap a rag around it and go get the bad guys anyway. In reality, half his shoulder would be blown off. He's not going anywhere except a hospital.

    Likewise the "bang and you're dead. In reality, most people who are mortally wounded take a long time to die.

    Yes I believe in many cases these people get ideas the wouldn't otherwise have by immersion in violent fantasy worlds. Just like prisons have become "Universities of higher criminal learning" Comparing some real life scenarios with those found in media for mass consumption are sometimes chillingly similar. With the Genie out of the bottle, I think it's too late to try to stop it, at least I don't have any answers.

  4. If we wish to teach right behavior we expose students to an endless barrage of visual messages to get the point across.

    Either visual messages can be used to influence behavior, or they can not. Assuming they can, why would we believe that visual messages only influence behavior for good?

    These messages don't always lead do good behavior, or bad behavior, but it is foolish to assume they do not influence behavior much of the time.

  5. In my personal opinion, violence i the media, has a very big influence on teens and kids. However those who exert a little self discipline like myself and countless others, can say that it has had very little effect. At the end of the day it really depends on the person, because we all have different levels of self discipline, maturity and sensitivity.

    Having said this though the real effect of teen violence on some of the population results in bad language, children becoming more violent, and it may influence gang violence, knife crime and gun crime.

  6. Violence  on civilians/children/ women ,unfortunately is  very widespread -be it in Africa, India, Asia or South America or for that matter in  the USA. The difference is that in a country like the USA the crimes are reported quickly to the law with the media -at least in the USA -reporting  it  ,but with a lot of sensationalism.

    In third world countries  soldiers/ policemen  raping women or killing civilians or ransacking a particular village or recieving bribes with the complicity of top politicians can and are covered up regularly and go unreported .This creates a feeling of helplessnes and eventually, apathy among the  educated/ aware  sections of the population.

      Therefore a teenager (with his/her ideals and principles still   in the formative stage )is  affected - be it in third world countries or in the West. But they are afected / influenced in different ways-with more school shootings(because of the sensationalism) happening in the USA to a teenager in the Asia becoming part of drug smuggling gang(due to the apathy)because there is no future in honest work anymore.

  7. Monkey See...Monkey Do.

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