
What is the age for someone to start working in france?

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Also, Is there any information on working in france and the specific age requirments?




  1. Usually 18 years old, it is very rare you work before that age unless for very seasonal jobs as grape harvest for example.

    The mandatory school age is till 16 and after that you go to apprenticeship. But if you are looking for a regular 8 to 5 job, 18 is the minimal age.

    Is it very hard to find a job there unless you are very well connected and already know somebody ready to hire you.

    There is a 10% unemployment rate and people are often willing to take jobs for which they are WAY overqualified. I know mailmen with masters degrees... The unemployment rate for the people less than 25 y o is in the 25% range.

  2. Generally speaking it is 16 although there are some exceptions such as working in a business owned by one's parents or when taking up a recognized apprenticeship.

    Age requirements may be the least of your worries unless you are a citizen of a EU country. France is not disposed to giving foreigners work permits.

    Unemployment is France is very high and among the young, especially amongst the non-white young, it reaches as high as 40%.

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