
What is the age limit for the !st standard addmission in school can a 5+ kid who has just passed nursary be pr

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can 5+ nursary pass student be admitted to 1st




  1. They will surely ask why it was delayed, You can always get admission, but dont delay more. Just go to some under ranked schools and admit. They will be searching for students..and you will surely get.


  2. Public schools can not say no to you.  They must allow enrollment.  

    Why can't the child attend Kindergarten? How old exactly is this child?  My child is 5 but he doesn't attend Kindergarten until this Fall.  Also a little side note... Kindergarten is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED but not a requirement.  A child can be six years old and be attending school at 1st grade for the first time.  I believe they have to test into first grade though.  I DO NOT RECOMMEND this.

  3. Your child does not have to go to kinder garden because it is not a requirement. Although i do recommend that your child start school as soon as possible because if you have not done anything academic at home your child may be behind. I would check your home school and register him asap. Be prepared to work with your child to help him catch up.

  4. ICSE                            You can search it on this link. plz click


    CBSE                        :- You can search it on this link. plz click


    You can search it on this link. plz click

  5. Minimum 6 Years

  6. yes he can:)

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