
What is the age one can join the police or sheriff's dept.?

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At what age can you join and at what age do they stop taking you?




  1. 21

  2. depends on state suburbs=18

    urban cities =21


  3. 21...

  4. I think the cut off age is 35. You have to be at least 18 and a lot of departments want you to have a degree first.

  5. I do believe you have to be 21 or older, but I am not entirely sure. You have to go through school and the police academy before you do that.  Then after you do that, there's even more training like being sprayed in the face with pepper spray or being tased (which isn't fun I know). I have friends of mine who are police officers and they have gone through extensive training to prepare them for even the worse kind of situations, so even if you started at 18, it would be a few years before you even experienced the exciting stuff. Now, the age they stop taking you, thats another story, I can't help you on that one.

  6. In Florida you can go to the criminal justice acadamy at 18 because you must handel firearms. Most agencies (local county, as well as the FHP) will not hire until 19, but allot of small agencies will not put you out into the streets until you are 21 or have 2 years experience.

  7. Age you can join: A federal law states that you cannot own a gun until you're 21.  Some departments will put you thru the academy as long as you turn 21 while attending.

    Age cutoff:  Depends on the department.

    CHP- the cut off is 35

  8. The youngest age you can be is 21.  There is no cut-off age.  I went through the academy with a 58 year old man.

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