
What is the age range to go to a bachelorette party?

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cause i am 18 and i am having a bachelorette party cause i am getting married




  1. It depends one what kind of bachelorette party it is. If it's young adult friendly, feel free to invite teenage siblings, cousins, friends, etc.

  2. it depends on what you do, where you go, and how wild you're planning on getting.  

    If you are going to a casino then the guests have to be over 21.

    If you are going to a club then they should be over 18.

    If you are having a private party in someones home then it depends on how wild you are getting.  naughty R rated type parties should be 18 and over, otherwise you could go a bit younger.

  3. 18 is fine, but don't expect to have the party at a club for people over 21.  Have it home or a club that allows 18 year old people in.

  4. There is no age range.  You invite your friends, and do stuff that suites you for the ages you have.  

  5. first of all congratulation for your marriage... its a party time & you ar at the right age.  

  6. Yeah, If you are going to be going to get a stripper- I would say 18 ..

    However, if you other things in mind than it can be any age really.

    Check before you make plans because a lot of places are 21+

  7. What's the plan?

    One bachelorette party that happened recently: Scavenger hunt at Valley Fair during the day, then went to the comedy club in the evening.

    Another bachelorette party that happened recently: Spent the day boating, water skiing, tubing- then dinner out.

    Another bachelorette party: Tubing down the river all day. Dinner in the evening.

    All of the above were planned by the brides.  Their goal was to do something fun with the bridesmaids & thank them for being in the wedding. All were at least 22 years old.

    So just plan something that you feel would be fun for everyone.  

  8. it depends on what all is going on in you're bachelorette party. 18 i'd say if naughty stuff would be happening.


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