
What is the age when must people loose their virginity?

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What is the age when must people loose their virginity?




  1. there is no age.

    it is when they are ready

  2. Must or most?

    Most people have started losing their virginity in their teens.

    No one MUST ever lose their virginity that is up to them.

  3. Mostly in mid teens I would think. But I know of people who wait much longer. I think it is an individual choice where peer pressure should not come into it. Do u ask this question for permission??? Do what your heart tells u to do. Good luck

  4. lose their virginity, not loose.

    i lost mine when i was thirteen, but i got raped.

    a lot of people lose it in there teens.

  5. i would say 14-17 ish, always depends as i am ready now and are 14!

    not being weird but every one is different.

  6. Probably their teens... and the average age seems to be getting younger and younger judging by answers to similar questions on YA

  7. There is no set age on when you should lose your virginity. Most people  think you should not lose it until you are married. So that you can save your special time with your partner. I feel that to many teens are being forced into s*x by peer pressure and the wonderful T.V.  

    When you are ready you will know. Don't rush it and take your time you would hate to have to deal with that person the rest of your life because the condom broke. And they were not the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.Or end your life quickly due to a incurable std. Be careful!

  8. No one "must" lose their virginity.

  9. I was 17.

  10. "Must." Well there is no requirement. Peers might make fun of a boy who hasn't lost his virginity by age 22, but it is not required of him to lose it before then. The best time is when you are ready to lose it and that can differ for many people. The average age for losing virginity is the U.S. is 16. But it seems to be going lower :(

  11. MUST??!?!!??!

    there is no must in that hon. check the link might be useful to you

  12. At least by 18?

  13. There is no age when u MUST, this is sumthing special and with a special person. Never feel forced 2 do it and deff if u ask this question u are not mature enough to do it though

  14. About 16? Maybe, well the people that i am around thats usually  about the age.

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