
What is the aim of the Al-Qaeda?

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What do they want to do? The reason behind the terrorist attacks? Why do they want people dead? Are they trying to prove a point? What point? What is the purpose of the things they do? At the some time, don't insult their religion in your answer.




  1. Please Read Al Qaeda in their Own Words Edited by Gilles Kepel and Jean-Pierre Milelli. Translated by Pascale Grazaleh A book which proves the Left are full of beans on the Topic. The Publication provides insight into Osama Bin Laden, his former boss Abdullah Azzam, Ayman Zawahiri the ideologue of Al Qaeda and Abu Mussab Al-Zarqawi who was operating in Iraq before the invasion. Let them and not us answer your question.

  2. If the Al-Qaeda is doing all this terrorism, then they aint muslims because I am a muslim and our religion Islam says that no matter what happens never hurt innocent people. If you will do anything evil like that then you will not be a muslim. So, if you think Al-Qaeda's members are muslims and they want to spread Islam, that imposssible. These Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Mullas, etc are making a bad impression on the other people in the world about Islam. Islam never asks to kill the innocent people, no matter to what religion they belong to. Respect and take care of every human being thats what Islam asks us to do. What this Al-Qaeda is and what the h**l they are trying to do, I don't know yo.

  3. Jihad as-sayf.  armed struggle.

  4. They believe the world is destined to live under Islamic law.

    Taliban Afghanistan was a model of this.

  5. They believe that everyone should be a muslim, and should live under islamic law. They believe their religion is the one true religion, and it is their (twisted) interpretation of this religion that all those who do not believe can and should be killed. Their Jihad is a holy war which aims to convert people to Islam, and rid the world of those who will not be converted.

    The purpose of what they do is to raise awareness of their 'cause', to attract followers, to frighten people into submission, and to kill the 'heathens'. However, they also appear to have political aims, in that they want the removal of western troops from the middle east, and have been known to take hostages etc. and demand the release of prisoners etc.

  6. They simply hate the Wests way of life and the values it holds, it's simply a clash of beliefs we don't agree with them they don't agree with us.

    We invade their land & take out their leaders, they target us for attacks its quite a childish game for all concerned when you break it down but when has politics and terrorism ever made sense

    The easiest way to end a war is to loose it, it's simple but the arrogance of humans prevent this :)

  7. The principal stated aims of al-Qaeda are to drive Americans and American influence out of all Muslim nations, especially Saudi Arabia; destroy Israel; and topple pro-Western dictatorships around the Middle East. Bin Laden has also said that he wishes to unite all Muslims and establish, by force if necessary, an Islamic nation adhering to the rule of the first Caliphs.

  8. They want to remove western lifestyle and beliefs from there countries.

  9. They want to unify the muslim world under islamic law ( their take on it) plus they want to get rid of israel and its allies ( the US and UK)

    Al-Qaeda was once backed by the US and they currently do have US weapons... kinda like how Hamas has Israeli weapons... weird dont you think?

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