
What is the air quality of western sydney?

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the issue and the air quality




  1. The air quality is good. Why would it not be? It's not as good as the mountains, but better then many other places in the city.

  2. You can cut it with a knife.

  3. The western suburbs of Sydney is mostly suburbia, so I would have thought the air quality would have to be a lot better than the City itself due to less traffic. However, when I googled 'air quality western Sydney', I was shocked to find that western Sydney is actually an area that is subject to a build up of pollutants, for all sorts of reasons, which seem to vary from one area to another in western Sydney. Check it out and see for yourself. I hope this has been helpful.

  4. I'm from the south-west and the air here is alright except if you live in suburbs with motorways running through them which won't be as good.

  5. The air in Sydney Basin is c**p!It is trapped between the mountains and the sea.I live on the south coast 80 kilometres away and when the Nor easterly wind blows,it heads down here and you can see it coming.Its called a brown Nor easter by the locals.If you go west to the blue mountains and you look down at it,not pretty.The western suburbs can be the worst as the sea breeze pushes the smog out there,it heats up cause it is warmer out there,rises,heads east again,cools ,drops down at the coast again to be recycled out west.

    I know as I used to live out there.

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