
What is the airforce like?

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How's the pay

How do they treat you

How do you feel there everyday

Is it not that bad

Does everybody have to shout in the U.S. government at each other to make themselves clear, or is there any really warm and understanding people in the military.




  1. The pay is not great, but that shouldn't be why you are going into the AF anyway!

    The AF treats it's people the best of any of the services.

    I was in 22 years and enjoyed nearly every day!

    As for the yelling in the military, it is done for a reason (and mostly just in boot camp in the AF).  They would rather see you break down under pressure during bootcamp then during a critical mission.  It trains you to react appropriately in stressful situations.

  2. Well seeing as both my father and step father are in the Air Force I can tell you pay is as it is in all the military branches,they treat you good,they hardly ever shout,and during deployment as long as your not a FAC,PJ,or security Forces member it's like going to a long summer camp in the desert and will have more good stories then bad.

  3. Pay is standard across all branches. As long as you do what you're told and obey the laws and rule they treat you pretty good. I had good days and bad, it's just like any other job. It isn't too bad once you adjust to it. When you mess up you get yelled at, plain and simple. Any AF job that involves a beret or a campaign hat involves a lot of yelling or being yelled at it comes with the head gear.

  4. Unless you're a PJ or a Combat Controller, being in the Air Force is like being in the Boy Scouts.

    The quality of life is the best in the US military, you get treated nicely, the bases are usually pretty nice, etc.

    As far as the shouting goes, in the real military branches, such as the Army, you usually have a short time to get a message across, so you raise your voice.  

    For example, saying "Excuse me Private, when you get an opportunity, could you find time to head to the aid station and ask a medic to come to my location at their earliest convenience?  I believe that Private Jones has a nasty sucking chest wound and may die very soon.  Is that okay with you or are you busy at the moment?" would take too long.  Instead, you shout "HEY YOU!  GET YOUR A$$ DOWN TO THE AID STATION AND GET ME A MEDIC UP HERE PRONTO!  TELL THEM JONES HAS A SUCKING CHEST WOUND AND I CAN'T GET THE WOUND TO SEAL!"

    You'd fit right in the AF, that's for sure!

  5. The Air Force has a better quality life than all other Military branches.  The pay is based on rank, time in grade, and time in service.  It's the hardest to get promoted because it requires testing and time in grade.  That's why the Air Force are smarter than other Military branches.  Unlike the other branches, they just promote you if know your job but they can take it away just as fast.  

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