
What is the airport you personally find the most "difficult" to approach/land (if there is one)?

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What is the airport you personally find the most "difficult" to approach/land (if there is one)?




  1. GUA-Guatemala City, Guatemala...because of the volcanoes everywhere, the high altitude of the airport (causing a high true airspeed which equals a higher ground speed) and that the runway is shaped like a bowl.

    Here are a few others that are in mountainous terrain:

    SJO-San Jose, Costa Rica

    UIO-Quito, Ecuador

    CLO-Cali, Columbia

  2. KAI TAK with the IGS approach WAS i think one of the most difficult approaches...

    Also Lukla is also a dangerous approach... ICAO VNLK

  3. None that are particularly difficult but I've been challenged the most at Aspen.

  4. LAX -- Los Angeles International.  Pilots used to call it "The Black Hole."

  5. The visual from the north into Washington National is pretty challenging.  You may not hit a mountain, but stray too far to the left and they will shoot you down.


  7. Although i have not personally been there.. and aside from approach and landing, the Teterborough NJ 5 SID is quite complex and has numerous incursions each year. this is because the departure has a level off altuted of 1500', then climb up to 3000' after i think 5DME..(its been a while since i has to brief it for practice). the level off is because the SID crosses the arrivals for Newark NJ

    The problem is when pilots get their clearance, they are cleared to three thousand feet because of the SID, but many do not catch the 1500' intermintent level off.. and many times climb right up to 3000' which is  a loss of seperation if an aircraft is arriving in to EWR..

  8. Not too many are difficult as such, but two of the most challenging (i.e. fun) in North America are Aspen and Telluride, Co.

  9. Aspen, ASE... isn't 'difficult' per se but demands respect at the very least.  Many airplanes have ended up on the sides of the valley, and not on the runway.  And departing out of a 7700' elevation airport surrounded by mountains is humbling as well.

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