
What is the alternate fuel against petrol?

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What is the alternate fuel against petrol?




  1. LPG kit is the best alternate fuel available against petrol at present in india. You would have to pay around 20k to get it. These are approved by the Road transportation authority(RTA). You would get a mileage 10% less than what you get with petrol but they cost Rs20 less than petrol(now). That means you running cost would be lower.

  2. here are alternatives which i copied from above answer

    1. Vegetable oil-Fuel

    2. Liquid Hydrogen

    3. Ethanol

    4. Electricity

    6. Wind Energy ( perhaps it may be possible )

    7. Solar Energy

    8. Propanol

    9. CNG based 6-stroke engine

    and sometime in the future may be Electromagnetic Energy and Nuclear energy too

  3. Recently, there was a report in the TV that cars can use hydrogen as the fuel.

  4. gasoline? diesel?

  5. Hydrogen is the best alternate fuel as it can be extracted easily.

    In a hydrogen economy, the energy needed for motive power (cars, boats, airplanes) or off-grid electrical applications would be derived from reacting hydrogen (H2) with oxygen, the hydrogen having been generated by the hydrolysis (splitting) of water (ideally by using electricity generated from renewable or nuclear power sources). By eliminating the use of carbon-based fossil fuels, a hydrogen economy would sharply reduce the emission of carbon dioxide, which would play a major role in tackling man-made global warming. As an energy carrier, hydrogen could substitute for dwindling supplies of petroleum and provide energy independence to countries without oil resources.


  6. 1. Liquid Hydrogen

    2. Ethanol

    3. Electricity

    4.coconut oil energy

    6. water energy--used using a water motor which i personally designed

    If u are in a metro like mumbai CNG is the best &most efficient

    also LPG is a good option

  7. bicycle, walk

  8. 1. Vegetable oil-Fuel

    2. Liquid Hydrogen

    3. Ethanol

    4. Electricity

    6. Wind Energy

    7. Solar Energy

    8. Propane

    and sometime in the future may be Electromagnetic Energy and Nuclear energy too.

  9. Solar energy is a wonderful source of energy, where we should really tap this natural source.

    CNG is a good alternative.  Less in pollution, too.

    Wind is another great source of alternate energy.  This is used to generate power.  Nevertheless if someone can  experiment and see if this can be used as an alternate to fuel (just thinking out of box)

  10. An alternate source of energy is Hydrogen.

    It is NOT carbon based therefore no CO,CO2 or hydrocarbons.

    The by-product of combustion using hydrogen is H2O (pure water vapor).

    Hydrogen is one the most abundant elements on the planet.

    It bonds easily with Oxygen and other elements. That is why it works well in fuel cells to produce electricity. Fuel cells combine hydrogen and oxygen, during this process electrons are released. They are then collected and concentrated to produce electricity. The emissions are pure water vapor.

    The largest obstacle in cracking the hydrogen from other compounds is cost. The cost to produce pure hydrogen from water or other compounds like natural gas is high and conventional generating plants create carbon pollution in the process. Use of clean generating systems like solar, wind, hydraulic, nuclear and geo-thermal can be utilized to produce the 99.97% pure hydrogen needed for fuel cells without increasing carbon dioxide levels. Wind generated electricity used to power a test facility reformer (a reformer separates hydrogen from natural gas or other compounds) recently brought the cost down to about $5 a gallon equivalent.

    A light-weight on-board storage system that is crash safe to use in an automotive application is being developed. If we concentrated our efforts on hydrogen and forgot Ethanol we'll be better off.

    BTW, NASA flew a small (2 seater) airplane a few years ago using a Hydrogen fuel cell and electric motor powerplant.

    Ethanol is carbon based, produces less energy than gasoline and uses our food and water supplies.

    Ethanol carries about 54% of the energy of contained in 87 octane unleaded gasoline.

    Hydrogen carries about 120% based on a gallon equivalent of 87 octane unleaded gasoline.

    Oh yeah, we can reform hydrogen from methane that comes from human and animal waste and other forms of biologic waste. And in a hydrogen economy we would create many new jobs. Another American product and technology. That is if we don't allow the big corporations to sell us out.

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