
What is the annual salary for $21.00 an hour after taxes?

by  |  earlier

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In California




  1. I'd say roughly $30-33K. $42K minus about 1/4 for taxes.  

  2. There are 2080 hours in a normal working year.

    So 2080 * 21 = 43,680

    The FICA/MC   would be 43,680 * 7.65% = 3,342.

    The Federal tax liability would be about  5144.

    California Tax is about 1868.

    Total tax would be about $10354. This would leave 43680 - 10364 = 33,326. Less local taxes if any.

    Hope this helps.

    Edit: This amount is just an estimate of withholding has nothing to with the amount of tax you might actually owe.

  3. The basic rule of thumb is "10 will get you 20" ($10 an hour full time gets you about $20K a year). So, you're looking at around $42K a year.

  4. Taxes depend on a number of things that you have not listed.

  5. Can't answer without knowing marital status, dependents, etc.

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