
What is the answer about the uk lottery ?

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What is the answer about the uk lottery ?




  1. I am guessing you have been sent an email stating you have won a lottery, even though you haven't purchased a ticket. If this is the case, then this is a SCAM. Check out the below link for confirmation of various email scams, including the famous Yahoo/MSN lottery scams hitting the internet and how to report them :

    Unscrupulous thieves have sent you this email and they are trying to part you from your hard earned cash. They will often ask you to call a premium rate number and keep you holding on whilst you rack up a huge phone bill. They are then paid a large proportion of this phone bill. They may ask you to divulge personal information about yourself or ask for your bank or credit card details. Do not divulge any such information under any circumstances. It is surprising how many innocent victims have been duped by these types of emails. Just remember the thieves who send them are very clever and extremely convincing. I suggest you delete the email and send it into cyberspace, hopefully along with the thieving scumbags who send them.

    Check out these sites for further information :

  2. What is the question about the uk lottery?

  3. If you received an e-mail claiming that you've won the UK Lottery, then you're being targeted by a scammer.

    Fake lottery scams fall under the category of Advance Fee Fraud because, to claim the (nonexistent) money, you must pay fees in advance.

    Basically, scammers harvest e-mail addresses from all over the Internet and spam in-boxes with these "You've won the lottery!" e-mails. They're scams. Period.

    In the example of the fake lottery, you will usually be asked to pay a "courier fee." This can be a few hundred dollars or more. But when you wire the money (the scammers prefer Western Union or Money Gram, as it's very difficult to trace these transactions), there will be another fee, or another excuse for why you have not yet received the check.

    You'll keep sending money until you either run out of money or realize that you've been scammed. Either way, there is little that can be done to recover the cash that you've sent to these con artists. They operate all over the world, so it's not likely that your local law-enforcement division would even have jurisdiction in the case.

    The safest thing to do is to simply delete the e-mails. Some of these cases are under investigation, so reporting the scammer's e-mail address to the provider, which gets the account closed, might destroy an ongoing investigation.

    Any time you receive a "You've won the lottery!" type of e-mail, ask yourself these questions. They'll help you confirm that the e-mail is a scam.

    "When did I buy a lottery ticket?" You cannot win if you do not play.

    "When did the lottery commission begin notifying winners via e-mail?" In most legitimate lotteries, the commission does not even know who holds the winning ticket. Until you come forward with the right ticket to claim your prize, nobody knows who you are. So how does the lottery commission have your e-mail address?

    "When did Yahoo!, Microsoft, Toyota, and other companies begin giving away money?" If these are real lotteries or giveaways, then the company's real Web site will have information about them. Go to a fresh browser window and manually type in the URL of the real Web site. You won't find any information about a lottery or giveaway on these sites because the scammers have made up the whole thing. The most that you'll find on these Web sites is, in some cases, a "Beware of these scams" warning.

    Getting something for nothing would be great, but these e-mails are scams. You will lose every time, so just delete the messages and move on. At least this way, you won't give away your hard-earned money to some low-life scammer.

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