
What is the answer for 2/4 = (?) % x 2/5 ?

by  |  earlier

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please show me the solution/formula.As soon as possible please..thanks.




  1. I turned all the numbers into decimals. So

    2/4 is equal to 0.5  and

    2/5 is 0.4

    so    0.4= ? x 0.5

    or    0.5 / 0.4 = 1.25

    Then I changed the answer into a percentage and two fractions like the question required

    2/4= 125% x 2/5

    I haven't done maths for a long time so I may be way off base!

  2. Your question ended up in the wrong section and you seriously need to learn how to do your own homework.

    Replace (?)% with x/100 and do it the algebra way i.e. find the value of x.

  3. <Your question ended up in the "Languages" category. Check the "suggested category" box before posting, and select a category manually if necessary.>

  4. (?)=2/ 4 : 2/5= 2/4 x 5/2=10/8=5/4=125/100%=125%

  5. Looks like someone needs to learn how to do their own homework.

  6. no relation to Language section

  7. 1%= 1/100

    50%= 50/100

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