
What is the answer for this public problem?

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I saw this young black mother on a bus slapping her children around so hard she knocked one child right off the seat. It made me think, “Someone should call Child Protection, but she might say, “Take them! I can date again.” because it looked like she never wanted her children in the first place.

But Chid Protection might not take them because the orphanages are already crowded with black children. No one is adopting the black children they have. Maybe she should have given her children up for adoption when they were born, but she knows black babies are not as wanted as white babies. She could have had an abortion but that’s against her beliefs and she couldn’t afford it anyway.

If these mothers from one generation after another have to raise children they don't want and they know no one will do anything about it, their children will learn the same behavior. There’s no father to say anything in many of these children’s lives because his parents were in JHS themselves when he was born




  1. the solution to this problem is 1)keep your legs closed 2) use protection more than one method at a time like birth control and a condom. 3) save s*x for marriage because the people who are responsible enough to get married are usually more responsible and take care of their kids. i'm in this situation your are in i know a GIRL who is 20 and i say girl because she definitely does not act like a lady. anyhoo she just had a kid and she never really had a mom to tech her self respect and personal morals so she just rounds around the town with all the guys and so on she does drugs and keeps them in the house with her and her son. not to mention she doesnt have her own place to live she live with 9 other people in a girls house that is a stripper and one of her cluients pays for their house. also this mom does not have a job, she has never kept a steady job, nor does she have a car to get a job, but i cant call DHR on her because i'll never see the child again and i love this baby to death!!!! and there are no grandparents to give him too because the moms mom is in prison and the mom's g-mother is taking  care of her sister's three babies already. and i would take the baby but i'm only 17 and not out of high school yet so i'm not ready for a child nor is my bf. and my parents both worka full time job so it's crazy and i know how you feel and it just seems like a dead end road sometimes. the Lord works in mysterious ways

  2. It's not even too late to save these children, if you want you can adopt them yourself if you feel so strongly about it, but the real answer is birth control and education, of course thats not the whole problem but you have to start somewhere, and thats easier than trying to topple the entire social structure of America, not to mention there is much worse occurring all around the world

  3. This is one rational reason for public funding of legal abortion.

    Unwanted children are abused children.  Pay a little now or pay a lot later.

  4. Sadly, these types of problems are rarely discussed. Pathetically, it is politically incorrect to even raise them. As such, I don't see a lot of positive progress being made soon.

  5. the problem is also propagated by the fact that if you are poor, the government will assist you wiht food stamps, health coverage, and 'welfare' checks.  If you recieve TANF benefits (which stands for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families), not only is a monthly monetary amount granted, but so is Medicaid to both the parent/s and children.  Oh, and if you have Medicaid, and meet certian income requirements, things such as your electric bill and phone service are offered to you at a discounted rate!  In addition, the IRS has child tax credits and Earned Icome Credit, and the less you make and more children you have (up to 3) the bigger the refund you recieve.  Kids end up being born for the simple aspect that the poverty stricken parents see them as a 'cash cow'....

  6. it is a sad situation for sure.i do not have an answer and my pities mean little.

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