I saw this young black mother on a bus slapping her children around so hard she knocked one child right off the seat. It made me think, “Someone should call Child Protection, but she might say, “Take them! I can date again.†because it looked like she never wanted her children in the first place.
But Chid Protection might not take them because the orphanages are already crowded with black children. No one is adopting the black children they have. Maybe she should have given her children up for adoption when they were born, but she knows black babies are not as wanted as white babies. She could have had an abortion but that’s against her beliefs and she couldn’t afford it anyway.
If these mothers from one generation after another have to raise children they don't want and they know no one will do anything about it, their children will learn the same behavior. There’s no father to say anything in many of these children’s lives because his parents were in JHS themselves when he was born