
What is the answer to 2+3 as my baby bro' doesnt belive?

by  |  earlier

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what is 2+3=

no rudies he says





  1. 6jk7no wait 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 well actually i dont no

  2. 5

  3. show him.

    give him 3 pencils, then add on another 2. and ask him to count the total.

    that's how i was taught =D

  4. Get his favourite candy (m&ms,skittles,chips) get 3 and 2 put them together and her counts them then say always listen to me lol then let him eat em

  5. take to m&m's or skittles or something. have him count two of them. then make him add three more. then have him count all of them together. then he'll know. btw it equals 5 :)

  6. u should use people and show him that 2=3=five<5<cinco<05

  7. 5. get marbles or something and show him 2 red marbles and 3 red marbles and then tell him to count them altogether,

  8. have like 3 skittles out in a pile and then 2 in another.

    put them all together and ask him to say the answer and then he can eat the skittles if he gets it right!

    good luck and best wishes!!!=]

  9. Use physical objects to show him that 2+3=5 and tell him to always listen to his big brother!!

  10. It's 5.

  11. when teacher children math concept...use something they enjoy...such as m&m's put a pile of 3 and a pile of 2...tell him that 3(point to pile) plue 2(add piles together) eauals 5(count all m&m's

    oh..adn your answer is 5..heehee

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