
What is the answer to life?

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What is the answer to life?




  1. I suggest that you read my answer for the subject: What is the answer to life?

  2. seriously, don't you people get sick of asking that question?  

  3. Yes!

    (Well, it sounds a lot better than "no.")

  4. Death.

  5. The answer is 'quite possibly'.

  6. Your soul because it's the ultimate source of life.

  7. To ensure the survival of your species and genes. This is what every living thing is designed to do and dose do. So, get out there and procreate or make things better for your species.

  8. The surest and never failing answer to all life death.

  9. 42. Now what's the question?

  10.           The answer is 420=you know what i'm talkin about!

  11. I don't think life is a valid question.

    Where's my pizza? ......Now thats a question.

  12. it usually goes something like, "Hunh?" or "What just happened?" or "WTF?"

  13. Its live your life to the fullest in your short life because you dont know when you can die. Live like their is no tommorow

  14. Live your life like you are on an 80's MTV video and the camera is pointing at you. The moment may never be recaptured.

  15. Shouldn't this be a multiple choice question?

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