
What is the answer to life the universe and everything?

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What is the answer to life the universe and everything?




  1. whatever you think

    its more than that!

  2. Cheese Whiz

  3. 42

  4. Its to end.

  5. Perhaps, the answer to life, the universe and everything  is happiness. Is there one person in this world that does what they do not in the essence of finding Happiness, who has find happiness. If so why are they still living. Isn't happiness the answer to life, the universe. Let's say the homless think that finding a beautiful home would be their complete happiness, once they get it, they would want a car to be happy, then a job, then friends, then ???? and so on, does it ever stop. not you tell me if there is such a thing as the answer to life.

  6. Our world is great in order to keep it we must take care of it like God wants us to

  7. Who Cares?

  8. to be grateful and thankful of what God has given us

  9. 42.

    Sorry. I couldnt resist. ;)

  10. Such is life

  11. 42 according to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy...

    If you want a serious answer, The only way to find out is to do some soul searching and ask yourself that very same question when you have completed...  This is a question I once had until I found myself...  I don't know if this will help, but it is where I started:

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