
What is the answer to sociology?

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What is the answer to sociology?




  1. um...... thats like saying what is the answer to psychology or what is the answer to mathematics .

    sociology is like the study of society

    there is no one answer to a whole subject

  2. 42

    - same answer to whats the meaning of life

  3. I don't even understand the question to be honest.

  4. " dictionary " , ya gave so much info to give a more direct answer, thanks!

  5. There is no "answer."  Society is a broad-reaching and continually changing.  The aim of sociology, however, is first, to comprehend society; then, to enable us to formulate a scientific program of social betterment based on emprirical evidence and previous literarure.   Sociology is evolving and new social problems have emerged.  New sociological fields and sub-fields—such as network analysis and environmental sociology—continue to change; many of them are cross-disciplinary in nature.

  6. Brilliant question, mind blowing when you try to really answer it, as the study of Sociology in relation to actual reality is industrial hot air. Though if sham part of it were to be removed, apart from virtually nothing being left, the little piece that would be remaining would be as functional and useful as an empty can of beer to an alcoholic.

  7. what/??????? i dont understand.. if you want the definiton then go to

  8. Uhmm.... what? It's a  field of study not a question.

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