
What is the answer to the gas crisis?

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I am finally starting to freak out over the price of gas. It is really bad. It makes me not want to drive that much anymore. Thoughts?





    The crisis is that Americans are too lazy or too stupid to use public transit, a bicycle or thier own two feet to do anything anymore...

    That is the crisis.  For 99% of recorded human history, there were no AUTOMOBILES. Over half of the people of this world will never drive a car.  Where is the CRISIS...

    How did our ancestors ever survive?

  2. There is no simple answer. This will only get worse for the forseeable future. Consider using public transit, it will help and save money and strees too. Good Luck!

  3. Everybody seems to want to blame the war for everything. Stopping the war is not going to stop the gas prices from increasing! If you havent already, change your driving habbits and get a fuel efficient vehicle. Thankfully there is some new and promising technology on the horizon that will decrease our dependence on fossil fuels.

  4. Forbid all carengines over 100 HP

  5. stop the war in iraq that will lower lot in gas

  6. there really is no crisis right now on it,there may be though if we don't slow down and stop using so much of it,right now its the demand for it and the greed of the oil company's that's causing the price to be so high,i was driving in the first crisis back in the 70,s it was a lot worse then, we had to set in line to get it and was limited on how much we could buy,now that was a crisis,and there wasn't that much of a demand on it then,now we burn it faster than they can pump it out of the ground,and sooner or later it will run out,scary thought but someday it will happen,im like you though i don't drive as much as i used to ,but you might as well if we don't burn it someone else will,its just the price of it right now that's got everyone so upset,its taking money out of their pockets that they should be buying food with,again greed and demand and it will get worse,in time,good luck.

  7. Everyone seems to blame someone else.  It's OPEC's fault, it's the war, it's the refineries, it's the lack of drilling here or there, etc.   The only solution is to use less gas.  Carpool, build public transit, and drive less.  Nothing else will work.

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