
What is the answer to the question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?

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What is the answer to the question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?




  1. no

  2. to understand its language before speaking

  3. There is no complete answer to any one of those topics but i can say this: You can ask what is the question to life if your not asking a person who've lived life already, as of the universe, there's only so much that we know but there is parts or the universe that is undiscovered so that's another question that can go unanswered and the answer to the question of everything would basically fall into the category of Life and the universe. All i can say is your life to the fullest and be what you want to be not what others expect you to be. Live.Love.Laugh.Be Happy.

  4. That 'Life, the universe and everything' are not is out of the question, therefore no answer is required.

  5. 42

  6. The question is not sufficiently well defined that an answer is possible.

  7. Life is darkness and light. Time is a messenger and a friend to those who do not fear the light of the messenger. Time brings all things together for the good of life.

  8. Neil S0121 is correct it is 42

  9. aliens man

  10. I don't know what questions you're talking about, but I bet that the answer is "yes" in all the cases in which the answer is not "no" or any other possible answer.

  11. There isn't one.  Life is absolutely pointless.  We aren't here for a reason, we're here because of a bunch of random chance on primordial earth.  There's nothing special about humans, as much as it might depress anyone here.

    So, I guess the answer is, make your insignificant and ultimately meaningless life as happy as you can, and try not to interfere with anyone else's happiness.  I know I try to!

  12. The answers lie within YOU believe it or not. Read 'Conversation with God' - that will answer every question you have. Be who you ARE.

  13. Stop.

    "Be who you are" (as above) is correct.

    This will explain it for the Western reader...

  14. 42 (according to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy)

  15. 42.

    HOWEVER, the question is a little insufficient.

    Earth is quite nearly done computing the question. 4 more years!

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