people, many scietists and researchers are trying to figure the answer to the ultimate question of life and universe so what is really
1, life ? and
2, universe ?
we have taken birth and whatelse we live, eat, work, sleep and have relationships, love and the same goes everyday and finally we die
what is the use of taking birth we may earn fame like einstein did and surely after we finish our education to our self-limit we wont think of einstein and think only about our future
so what is life, universe and galaxy and other unknown things in space we are to die anyway so what is the use of taking birth
never say we born only because of sperm and ovum, i ask why that sperm and ovum are created for all life forms ?
i want the first basic reason for it, can anyone guess - hope you can
please post you opinion
accepts any reply other than vulgarity and bad contents
come on brilliants
thanks in advance