
What is the answer to this grade 10 trigonometry question?

by  |  earlier

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It's review of what we did last semester, but I forgot almost everything over the summer (I will go over the previous years notes this weekend). So here's the question:

x + 3 / 5 = x / 2


x + 1 / x + 5 = 2 / y = 5 / 9




  1. x + 3 / 5 = x / 2 <solve for X ?>

    x+(3/5)=(x/2) <*2 both sides>

    2*(x+(3/5)) = 2*(x/2)  

    2x+(6/5) = x <-2x both sides>

    (2x+(6/5))-2x = (x)-2x

    6/5 = -x    or  x = -6/5


    x + 1 / x + 5 = 2 / y = 5 / 9 (solve for x and y?)

    2 / y = 5 / 9

    2 / y = 5 / 9  <*y both sides>

    y*(2 / y) = y*(5 / 9)

    2=y(5/9)  <*9/5 both sides>

    (9/5)*2 = y* 5/9 * 9/5

    18/5 = y


    x + 1 / x + 5 = 5 / 9

    x + 1 / x + 5 = 5 / 9 <*x  both sides>

    x(x + 1 / x + 5) = x(5/9)

    x^2 + 1 + 5x = x(5/9) <-1 both sides> and <* 9/5 both sides>....


    x^2 + (40/9)x = -1 ??? < cant think of what to do now...

    Check my basic math I tend to do better with difficult parts and mess up basic 2+2 c**p

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