
What is the appeal of <span title="sushi.......................?">sushi.......................</span>

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in my mind, it cant possibly taste good. ive always thought of it as something people eat to be posh or show their status or something. tell me your thoughts.




  1. Sushi tastes really nice, but I find personally that I have to be in the mood for it. Sometimes, if I&#039;m feeling a bit sick, then the thought of seaweed makes me feel even sicker! It&#039;s quite light and refreshing, a good option for lunch in the summer, and there&#039;s such a huge variety, depending on what type you get. Fish only has to be raw in sashimi, not sushi.  

  2. Oh Im not posh, rich or anythng like that...But I do love sushi...both the cooked and raw kind...

    not all sushi is raw...there are california rolls...such as..that fake crab meat...avacado and...uhm...whatever else is in it..

    one cooked kind of sushi I like is called Kim is angus beef, daikon radish, egg...and soemthing else...( ive only had it once so i dont remember everything in it) but it is very good. at least at the place i had it.

    And of course there is the raw kind...but i will be eat the raw is an aquired taste...The first time i ate it..I took to it immediately...but my sister tasted it...and couldnt stand it.

    And i recently tried Nigiri Style..which is basically the raw fish on a small shaped clump of rice...I loved simple. yet so yummy..and will probably order that particular kind when i have sushi again.

    Also Sushi does not pertain to the fish ( or meat)  itself...but actually to the rice.

  3. Actually... its awesome!  Try it sometime, start with easy ones.  They have vegetarian ones, which obviously don&#039;t have raw fish in them b/c they are just veggies, then go for the ones with cooked fish, try the tuna, or unagi (eel which is my fav) then if you&#039;re comfortable try the sashimi, it really does taste great.  If you&#039;re a little nervous get a bottle of sake... that&#039;ll take the edge off.

  4. Well, sushi does taste good, you should try it.  Other than that, people have referred to it as an aphrodisiac because it gives off a sensual appeal and because of the way it&#039;s eaten.  But for the most part, I think people enjoy the taste of it, I do!

    Poshess?  haha.  I&#039;m closest to white trash and I enjoy sushi! = )

  5. Perhaps you do not know how to eat it properly?

    LOL, check out this funny video:

  6. Well Number One I Like To Eat Sushi Because  it can taste really like straight forward like not a few flavors of something also i like it because it has a really long lasting taste and some of the sushi is cooked fish of beef

    also it is kinda some thing to show your status i guess

  7. Sushi is great! It&#039;s healthy and simple. A lot of foods can be overpowering in taste, but with sushi, you get a clean, fresh flavor.  You should try a california roll.  It&#039;s just veggies, rice, and nori.

  8. It tastes good.  I do not eat raw sushi, however, only the cooked kind.  You&#039;ve got shriimp that&#039;s been fried in a tempura batter, then rolled in rice... dip in a little soy sauce, add a bit of pickled ginger... just tastes good, and little bites are fun to eat.

    But yes, some people can go to the extreme w/ their poshness, can&#039;t they?

  9. thats what i think i havent tasted and i am not interested in eating raw fish and seaweed it doesnt sound good to me

  10. Sushi really does taste good. It&#039;s very good for you too. You just need a trusted place to get your sushi because if the fish has been dead for more than 2 days it&#039;s no longer suited for raw sushi.

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