
What is the apporximate cost to start cybercafe in Australia - around the beach?

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cyber cafes on surfers paradise ,Cairns ,Noosa

where i can view pictures of the cyber cafe on the beach ?

what kind of regulations are to be taken in to account for serving beer in the cyber cafe




  1. Big bucks also to serve liquor you would need a liquor license....megabucks. Serving liquor in a cybercafe would never be allowed.

  2. ok... well, if you want to set up  a cheap one: u should spend at least $100 american dollars, but about $2,000,000 at the least for something good :) lol

  3. I'd say at least $1 million in start up costs (ie computers, accessories, internet accounts, security/monitoring software, furnishings, a premesis etc)

    To serve alcohol you need a liquor license (restricted to beer/wine or full license for spirits) and a few qualifications such as RSA (responsible service of alcohol) and all your staff will need one too.

    Don't forget to take into account IT technitians charge $150/hour to set-up/repair or even just look at anything and you'll have a very high electricity bill.

    It would also be wise to invest in a security guard and cameras to prevent theft/damage or drunks causing trouble.

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