
What is the appropriate amount for tip at a restaurant?

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What is the appropriate amount for tip at a restaurant?




  1. I normally use the Tip Calculator on my phone & take it from there.

  2. 15%

  3. 18% if she is good, 15% if she's ok

  4. 10% unless "service charge" included and then it is up to you ranging from £0 to ?

  5. It really depends on your states tax number, and the price of the meal, on an average service, you give them 15%. When they did excellent service, it nice to give them 20% tip.

  6. five dollars.

    Ten if they were awesome.

  7. I always give 25%.

  8. 15% is considered appropriate but many people tip based off of performance these days.

  9. I tip 20% or more unless the service was bad AND the server didn't apologize.  If the service is bad with no apology (which hardly ever happens), I'll tip a bit under 15%.

    I always figure an extra dollar or two will mean more to the server than it does to me; so I try to be generous.

  10. 15% of what the bill costs

  11. 10/15% - dependant on how well you were served.

    20/25% if you're feeling very generous.

  12. There is no minimum amount for a tip.  It is solely based on the waiter's performance and the food.  I have worked for years in the food/service industry as a cook and have only been tipped once, so I feel no obligation to subsidize a waiter/waitress with a minimum blanket tip of 10-15%.

  13. 20%

  14. 15% unless the service was really good or really bad.

  15. You should tip at least 15%. If you are too cheap to tip 15%, you don't deserve to have people prepare and serve you food. I always tip 20-25, sometimes more. The difference between tipping 10 to 15% and 20 to 25% is only a few dollars--if it is more than that, you are eating some place so pricey that you really have no excuse. My wife and I got out to eat or have drinks at a few different places regularly and get first class treatment and plenty of comp drinks.

    I don't find that I encounter really bad service often, but I am not looking for it, either. Some people seem to keep a running tally of excuses to chisel down the tip. I do not go out to eat or otherwise socialize which such miserly folks.

    I realize tipping standards are different in Europe.

  16. I always tip 20% unless the service was crappy.

  17. 15-20% depending upon what kind of service you've received. I've tipped more than this for exceptional service and way less than this for horrible horrible service.

    In my opinion waitstaff aren't entitled to a tip, they need to earn it.

  18. 20%, then add or subtract based on their performance.

  19. There is no appropriate tip.  You have already paid for your meal and you can tip if you choose to.

  20. It really depends on the service you received.  I usually do 15-25% of the total.  I have also heard that (if your state has sales tax) to double the tax amount.  In AZ we have sales tax in the neighborhood of 8.5% so my servers usually get a 17% tip from me, unless they are really good servers, then they get a little more.

  21. That would be determined by the appropriate amount of service you received.

  22. I start out at 20% and if things go badly (not including anything the cook did) the percentage goes down.  NEVER lower than 10% unless the waiter or waitress is an absolute ***.

  23. 10-20% depending on the service.  Especially good or bad service should be higher or lower.

  24. It is totally up to you. There are suggestions between 10 and 20%. The key however is if you can not afford a tip go to a place where the appropriate tip will be within your budget.

  25. i think its 13 percent

    but most cell phones have a handy little tip calculator where you put in the amount you spend and the percent you want to use and it tells you how much to tip

  26. 15-20%

    I have tipped more for a wonderful waitress that at a local place we go to.  It insures we get her when we go back and that we get quality service in the future.

  27. for good service i leave a minimum of 20%. for poor service i leave $1 - but it has to be poor service. with the exception of the poor service i always leave a minimum of $10

  28. Start at about 15%, then adjust it up for good service, or down for poor service.

  29. I personally decide between 15% and 20% depending on the food, service,...etc.

  30. 25% if the waiter was male

    9% or less if the waitress was female

    Men aren't really supposed to serve so they should get more money

  31. 85% if your generous

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