
What is the appropriate price to pay for a psychic?

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there is a psychic in my area who is supposebly very good, but he charges 150 dollars an hour and I think its too much but I want to go to a good psychic

what is a right price and where can I find a good psychic for cheap?




  1. I do not believe psychics should charge anyone for their services.

    A true psychic should help people everywhere with their given talent, all inside information should be freely given, not charge any client for helping them.  

    Once information is given to a person, if that person wants to donate something to the psychic, not necessarily the same day of the reading, but after the visit and it is true and correct, then a donation should be made to the psychic. It should not be a paid session.  My family used a psychic and nothing was correct coming out of the session.

  2. they usually charge a dollar a minute. I wouldnt go to any psychic unless I heard they were accurate.

  3. You maybe paying for someone to lie to you.

    It has been argued that if psychic power existed, to use it would be "a gross and unethical violation of privacy" and "professions that involve deception would be worthless". There wouldn't be any need for undercover work or spies. Every child molester would be identified immediately. No double agent could ever get away with it. Psychics would be in demand for high paying jobs in banks, businesses and government. "Most psychics would be very, very rich...." and since psychics are such altruistic persons, giving up their time to help others talk to the deceased or figure out what to do with their lives, they would be winning lotteries right and left and giving part of their winnings to help the needy. We wouldn't need trials of accused persons: psychics could tell us who is guilty and who is not. The polygraph would be a thing of the past. Of course, the operative word here is if. If psychic power existed the world would be very different.

    It seems clear that psychics can be explained in one of three ways: (1) they truly are psychic; (2) they are frauds, taking advantage of people's gullibility and weaknesses; or (3) they're deluded and self-deceived. Of the three options, the least probable is option number one.

    If a "psychic" could simply prove their ability there is a million dollars waiting.

  4. either one kidney or your life savings

  5. Give the psychic the task of predicting three events to three people you will name in two weeks time.  The events must have already occurred when you give the psychic the names but must not have happened before your agreement started.  If all three predictions are correct, then a valid rate is $20 per visit.  If there are any discrepancies, no matter how small, then the dud is worth nothing so pay accordingly.

  6. The appropriate price is ZERO.  They are all frauds and there is no evidence to suggest otherwise.  If any of these people actually had any insight into the future, the world would be a very different place.  There have also been numerous studies on this subject, and it has been shown time and time again that there is no merit in these "psychic readings".  Also, if they really were legitimate and any good, would you even expect them to be cheap?  Are the best doctors, lawyers, mechanics, architects, engineers, universities, or products cheap?

  7. well i have used different psychics on the computer and i have found good one's and i defiantly did not pay that kind of money.Its not the cost its the connection you make.

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