
What is the appropriate way for my husband to interact with his step-mom who is a year younger than him?

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It's a bit crazy to explain. My husband has a step mom who is the same age as me (21). I don't have a problem with that. Where I do have a problem is how they interact with one another. He feels it's his duty to hang out with her because he feels bad that she doesn't hang out much (with her husband-his dad-being older). Also- I am pregnant and our son is due in Nov and they are flying out to us. Well, his dad-her husband was in the airforce for 21 years and she asks my husband exactly this:"hey how do you get over the fear of flying. I know that's random, but i've been thinking about the fight to California in Nov and it scares me." Hello!! Her husband/his dad was in the military for 21 years. I feel she should be asking him because he has more experience flying than my husband.

Not only that but she is always calling and instant messaging him. She finds every reason to talk to him. And when she is around him she finds every reason to be around him and acts like a school girl with a crush.

So.. My question is:

is it just my hormones or does this not seem natural? I just need some feedback. I know it's a bit crazy and slightly difficult to understand, but please give me feed back or opinions!! Anything!!! Thank you so so so much.




  1. And how does her husband feel about this? He ought to be more worried than anyone else. You need to study them closely. Did she marry your fil because she truly loves him, or was it for money/security?  

  2. i hate to say this, but it sounds like she married her hubby to be close to his son.  this sentence says a whole lot ~ "He feels it's his duty to hang out with her because he feels bad that she doesn't hang out much (with her husband-his dad-being older)."

  3. It's perfectly fine the way they are acting.   Don't worry about it.  They are just trying to make the best of a bad situation, can't be easy having a mom thats one year younger then you.  Sort of makes kissing your mom hello a little uncomfortable, they are just practicing and getting used to the situation.  Nothing to be concerned about here.

  4. If your husband is normal & not sick & disgusting than I would assume he would want anything to do w/ his father's wife, regardless how old she is! As for her she prob. is attracted to him & is openly flirting I would suggest that you address your issue w/ her but not rude  or sounding like a psycho wife.....& make it almost like a joke, see how she responds!

  5. Well it maybe nuttin' but remind your husband of his boundries!!! Even though she's young doesn't mean that he has to hang out with her.  

  6. well, she is his step mom. i cant imagine having a problem with that! just my opinion.

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