
What is the approriate dress for woman at a muslim funeral.

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What is the approriate dress for woman at a muslim funeral.




  1. If you are not a muslim, then i dont think you should dress like one, as its not really your religion. Obviously im not saying dont, if you feel you have to then thats fine, but if you dont, dont feel like you have to dress that way because its not your religion after all. A black dress will do, not showing alot of flesh.

    Sorry anyway.


  2. A voluminous black tent-dress that covers the hair on the legs and a veil to conceal the mustache.  

  3. Black is appropriate, including a black scarf, nothing revealing.  You don't have to go overboard, covering everything up, but it should not be a s**y outfit.  You could also go with a dark brown.

  4. Something conservative. i would recommend that you wear something that will cover all your legs and arms. in traditional muslim religion it is seen as sin to expose bare legs and arms. Also in the muslim religion makeup is seen as a sin and seen as a women is flaunting herself to men same as exposed legs and arms. So as respect to the religion, family and their culture stick to the above as best you can. Also don't speak to a man if you are on your own, this is also looked down upon. Also it depends on how traditional the family is. If the family is not this traditional then no need to worry about speaking to the men alone and maybe the makeup bit, but then again there is the rest of the family that you have not met to consider.

  5. loose clothing. pants and a long sleeve shirt. dark clothing. and a scarf.

    dont forget you have to be separate from the man.

  6. may be something conservative and dark like black, brown,dark blues..etc

    just out of share and respect to them not an obligation u see,

    fo example i remember that princess diana wore head scarf and conservative when she visited a mosque before not because she has to but out of respect ...that what i mean so if u are not a muslim or even a muslim see their traditions and share it that would give a good opinion about u and would make them like u more nd won't make u feel strange!!

    hope that helped.

  7. It is best to wear black, dark navy blue or brown but she must cover all her boday apart from her face, with just her neck, no chest...arms and legs should be covered, but her feet should be a flat shoe or sandel, her hands do not need to be covered but her hair is a must.

  8. its better if you wear a long sleeved dress . and make sure that dress is long , covering up your leg and everything . cause in islam , modesty is like , important .

    if you are a muslim , wear a hijab . or even if you are not one , try to cover up your hair with a scarf or something .


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