
What is the approx. cost (gas) to run a golf cart for 9 holes?

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and/or What is the approx. gas mileage of a golf cart?

I run a decent sized golf league and am in a bit of a bickering match with the pro about having too many single riders in carts (versus having two paying riders).

I'm just trying to figure out how much it "costs" him.

Bigger picture - my golf league has accounted for over 3,500 paid rounds of golf played at this course since 1999 not to mention all of the incidental money spent by league members on food, beer, equipment, range balls, etc. The total economic impact including greens fees is conservatively over $50K - a lot of which has gone directly into the pocket of the pro who I am bickering with.




  1. I work as a bagroom boy at a golf course and I fill up the gas tanks of the carts. I tend to see that you can get around 10 rounds  in a 3 gallon tank the course length is 6300 yds which is 3.58 miles so 9 holes is 1. 8 miles and 20 times so you get 36 miles in a fill up. 12/m/gallon =7    9 hole rounds at 3.30 a tank about 47 cents per 9.

    But your not paying for just the gas your paying for the initial cost of the cart and the privelege you receive to be able to rent a cart at the course...

  2. Sounds like he's wanting you to pinch pennies to put more dollars in his pocket.  I'm not sure I'd force the players in your league to double-up on carts just to appease the pro.  If the players don't like it, they may go elsewhere which would result in a drop in revenue.  You might want to tell the pro not to bite the hand that feeds him.

  3. A friend of mine owns a nine hole course... stated around 35 to 40 cents. It is a short course yardage wise and I can only pass along what he told me. I believe him to be credible and a person that would do his homework.

  4. ALWAYS RIDE TWO-To- A-CART...what's the matter with you...don't mess with the pro...if i were the pro i would send your insolent asss to another course...leagues like yours are a dime a dozen - fork off

  5. At most courses that have a pro, the pro gets the action on the cart rentals as part of their compensation. If he's responsible for gassing up the carts that may be why he may be a little reluctant. Offer to raise the single cart rental by 50 cents.

    Never mind!

  6. I can give some insight from the other side of the equation. I am a golf professional and I battle the same problem with some of our members.  I'm not going to sit down and compute the exact cost of an extra cart. I could but I don't feel like it.  There is first the gasoline which is not the cheapest stuff at this point. It's about 1 gallon per 18 so we'll say $1.50 for each extra cart.  Somebody had to pull the cart out. Somebody has to wash the cart and put it away.  Carts require constant maintenance so 1 extra round is additional unneeded wear and tear. Lots of clubs keep just enough carts so that when groups finish, their carts are immediately rotated back to the first tee so a foursome using 3 carts can cause problems later in the day.  My solution to this is if you want the extra cart, you're welcome to it but I charge an additional fee.  As a golf professional, we get complaints and "suggestions" all day from ignorant people such as yourself. We cannot be held hostage to them all. Walk into a Walmart and tell the manager you're not paying 3 dollars for that toothpaste and see how far your "complaint" takes you.  This is a very tough business right now.  It is very difficult to break even in the golf business.  Happy golfing!

    OK, the asker has added to his question.  3 riders, 2 carts, 1 walker is totally OK.  You shouldnt have to shuffle your foursomes. I do agree with that if I'm understanding you correctly.

    Yes based on my initial understanding of your question I would still state that I see ignorance everyday. I'll explain:  People who dont work in the business don't know or understand all of what we have to take into account when we make the decisions we do. We're not out to inconvenience anybody.  We try to formulate the process that gives us the best bottom line performance.

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