
What is the approx cost to get a property surveyed? I live in Michigan on approx .75 acre. Thanks!?

by Guest58551  |  earlier

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What is the approx cost to get a property surveyed? I live in Michigan on approx .75 acre. Thanks!?




  1. I think it's around $150 bucks!

  2. If the plat is simple geometry you will find it to be somewhere in the $300 to $400 range.

  3. Liz,

    It would depend upon what type survey is needed.  If this is a mortgage survey within a platted sub, it will be between 75 to 150 depending on provider.  Some Title Company policies (advantage and eagle policies) include a survey so they may save you money. If this is for a purchase, I would check around.

    If this is a stake survey, expect the several hundred numbers mentioned.

  4. I used to be a surveyor if its been surveyed in the past check the county clerk records then its only about 200-400$. If you need a new survey it can be much more than that. Most properties already have a history though.

  5. my 2.1 acres ran me $500 in MN, although it was a slightly irregular pie shape

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