
What is the approximate direct distance (in km) between Hong Kong and Switzerland?

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Direct Distance




  1. I. We had a  connecting flight from Hong Kong to London Hethrew for 13 hours via Cathay Pacific and from London Hethrew to Geneva for 1 hour and a half via British Airways. Warning: PLease becareful with your check-in luggage on your way to Switzerland with a stopover at London because they just delievered my bag 3 weeks after I arrived in Geneva.

  2. its about 9300km (thats about 5790 miles!)

  3. Distance is 9422 kilometers or 5855 miles or 5087 nautical miles this is from hong kong to zurich switzerland.

  4. That depends on whether you want to skim along the earth's surface, fly through the atmosphere... or just be lazy and dig straight through.  :->

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