
What is the approximate distance reduction of a limited flight vs. standard range ball in 30 degree weather?

by Guest56133  |  earlier

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What is the approximate distance reduction of a limited flight vs. standard range ball in 30 degree weather?




  1. Kind of a round about answer....

    A ball around 30 degrees will have a 10% in bounce (not hit by a club mind you, just it's bounce off something like concrete flooring.)  I just did this experiment with my kid.

    Limited flight balls decrease drives by around 10% as well.

    So, my estimate is that if you are hitting LF balls at 30 degrees, you will see at least a 20% decrease in distance...

    ALSO, I would HIGHLY discourage hitting your driver at these temperatures as the face is very thin and at cold temps the metal may get brittle.  Meaning your $400 uber driver CAN CRACK!  I have also heard rumors that the epoxy used to connect fiberglass shafts to the head doesn't hold as well in low temps.  So use with care at low temps!!!!!

  2. Just ballparking it, I'd say 60%.

    But remember, a limited flight ball primarily has an effect on the longer shots. Instead of your drive going 250 it might only go 180.....your 100 yard shot will still probably go close to 100 yards.

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