
What is the architecture like in Leipzig, Germany?

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What is the architecture like in Leipzig, Germany?




  1. Old

  2. If you search yahoo images for "yahoo and gebaeude" you will see pictures of buildings in Leipzig.

    One website I looked at said that Leipzig has a large number of restored art neuveau buildings.

  3. Big parts of Leipzig's city has been bombed during WW2. Then Leipzig belonged to the German Democratic republic and they did not take very much care in rebuiling them but built up so called "Plattenbauten" all over the place - huge boxes with lot's of families living in it.

    Nowadays you will find some nice places, they rebuilt them with the money they got (and still get) from the Western part of Germany. This kinda sucks because we (I am from the Wester part) spend more and more money but having our own problems.

    If you intend to visit Leipzig - forget it. It's a typical East German city, and it's very sad. You better visit Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Nuremberg etc. People are much more friendly in the Western part and - they do speak English.

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